Science journal

ISSN (print) 2542-2324 /(online) 2618-8244

Vladimir A. Nekrasov

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Sector for Vibro-Acoustic and Vibro-Mechanical Tests in JSC PO Sevmash, (Severodvinsk).

Borne on 30.01.1957 in the Ukraine he graduated with honors from the Electroacoustic Department of Kiev Polytechnic University in Electric Acoustics & Ultrasonic Technology (1980). V.A. Nekrasov is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor in the Department of Ocean Engineering and Power Installations (part-time job), Severodvinsk Branch of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. In 1980 he joined JSC Sevmash. He is engaged in vibro-acoustic and vibro-mechanical testing of ship equipment and means of acoustic protection. V.A. Nekrasov is also qualified for vibration monitoring and technical diagnostics of rotor equipment. In 2006 he defended the Candidate of Technical Sciences thesis “Improvement of methods for technical condition monitoring of main pump units based on vibration parameters”. In 2022 he defended the Doctor of Technical Sciences thesis on confidential issues of vibro-acoustic and vibro-mechanical testing of ship equipment. He is the Scientific Secretary of Science & Engineering Board of JSC Sevmash and a member of Expert Council on acoustics of ship systems and equipment.

The author of over 40 scientific publications.
A laureate of the Science & Engineering Prize of the Russian Federation Government in 2004. In 2013 he was awarded with the М.V. Lomonosov Science & Engineering Prize of Archangel Region Government.

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ISSN (print) 2542-2324 / ISSN (online) 2618-8244

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