Science journal

ISSN (print) 2542-2324 /(online) 2618-8244

Publication ethics

The editorial board of the journal titled «Transactions of the Krylov State Research Centre» honors the ethical criteria established for international scholarly publications, like integrity, confidentiality, transparency, conflict of interests and other aspects. We are guided by recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Intellectual property rights for articles published in the journal belong to the authors.
The editorial board grants that all materials submitted for publication will be peer reviewed and accepted based on the principles of editorial independence and unbiased judgment.
The editorial board is responsible for the quality of published scientific papers and supports the initiatives aimed at prevention of misconduct or unethical actions on the part of the authors or reviewers.
Ethical rules are accepted as a must for all parties of the scholar publications: authors, reviewers, editorial board members, as well as persons and entities interested in the information disseminated by the Journal.
Citations from the Journal shall be properly referenced in every case.
Materials submitted to the editorial board are not returned to the authors. The authors will receive no remuneration (royalties) for the published materials. All scientific papers are published on free of charge basis.

Responsibilities and ethics of editors
The editorial board should:

  • strive to meet the needs of readers and authors;
  • take appropriate measures to maintain a high quality of the material published;
  • take appropriate measures to maintain a high quality of the material published;
  • preclude commercial needs from compromising intellectual standards;
  • always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies, if required.
The editorial board adheres to the COPE ethical criteria , such as:
  • impartiality;
  • observance of scientific ethics when reviewing the papers, encouragement of scholarly discussions between the authors and reviewers;
  • assistance to protection of intellectual property and copyright;
  • papers will be rejected in case of plagiarism when another's publications, words, or ideas are used without attribution to the original source, which is to be identified by the plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat;
  • confidentiality (non-disclosure of the authors' and the reviewers' personal information and other information obtained within the professional interaction);
  • making editorial correction in papers by agreement with authors.

Author’s responsibilities and ethics
The author shall cooperate with the editorial board throughout the publication process by introducing appropriate corrections, if required. The author is fully responsible for any plagiarisms in the text, illustrations or other materials.

The manuscripts submitted to the Journal’s editorial staff should comply with the research paper manuscript formatting rules stated on the Journal web site.

The author is not entitled to submit the same paper for several scientific publications.
The authors are obliged to observe the following ethical principles:

  • compliance of the materials with the ethics and legal standards including copyright protection laws (in particular, the materials protected by the copyright including tables, digits or long quotations can be reproduced only by the owner's permission);
  • research originality and scientific novelty;
  • research originality and scientific novelty;
  • researchers should use best endeavors to describe the work performance methodology clear and definitely in such way that their results can be approved by other researchers, if required;
  • impartial discussion of the research importance;
  • acknowledgement of other persons’ contributions, mandatory references to the deliberations used for the benefit of submitted materials;
  • presentation of all major contributors to the research as co-authors;
  • informing about significant errors or inaccuracies, if any, found in the publication and interacting with the editorial staff with the purpose of the quickest error correction or removal of the publication;
  • no adoptions without proper references to primary sources (plagiarism). The authors are fully responsible for reliability of the information contained in the submitted materials, for compliance of the materials with the statutory regulations, the moral rules and the ethics standards.

Responsibilities and ethics of authors
According to the Journal policy the editorial board establishes the review procedures for the materials to be published based on the Reviewing Rules stated on the web site. In the process of reviewing the manuscripts the information about the authors and the reviewers will be held in confidence. Disclosures in breach of the confidence are allowed only in case of suspected deception or falsification on the part of the authors or the reviewers. Reviewers are not entitled to use the reviewed manuscripts for personal purposes or provide these manuscripts to third parties without prior permission of senior editors. They are obliged to return or delete the manuscript copy after presenting the review. The manuscripts rejected by the editorial board are not preserved. The reviewer remarks are not published or made public otherwise without permission of the reviewer, the manuscript author or the editor.
Reviewers shall provide fair and unbiased judgment of the manuscript, giving clearly and well-grounded comments to appraise the paper’s scientific content only. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
The reviewers are obliged to be guided by the following ethical principles:

  • to review only those manuscripts which the reviewer has sufficient knowledge to judge;
  • to prepare a review in time based on the constructive approach;
  • to maintain confidentiality;
  • to be impartial preparing a review;
  • to inform the editor in case the materials have been published earlier in this or another publication;
  • to inform the editor and, if required, to pass the manuscript to another reviewer in case of potential conflict of interests (existing of financial, organizational or other relations between the reviewer and the author);
  • the review contents should not be influenced by the manuscript origin, the authors' nationality, sex, religion or political commitments;
  • not to use the information obtained within the reviewing process for the personal purposes and in the interests of other persons.

E-mail addresses intimated by the authors will be used exclusively for communication with the authors and referees and shall not be disclosed to other persons or entities.

Disclosure and conflict of interest policy
Referees deemed to have conflicts of interest in view of personal, financial or organization benefits, as well as competition with any submitting authors (companies, organizations) will not be appointed to review the manuscripts in question.

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ISSN (print) 2542-2324 / ISSN (online) 2618-8244

Address: Moskovskoye shosse, 44, Saint-Petersburg, 196158

Phone: +7(812) 415-49-80