Science journal

ISSN (print) 2542-2324 /(online) 2618-8244

Submitting articles order

Publications in the Journal are free of charge for the authors, with no fees to be paid for preparation, layout or typing of the materials.

Upon receiving a positive review ( see review procedures) , the author is to submit to the editorial board the following:

Content requirements:

Title of the paper shall clearly formulate the content of the paper in not more than 10–12 words.
The General guidelines for the paper title are as follows.
1. The title should be informative and do not mislead the reader with respect to the subject matter of the paper.
2. The title should adhere to the scientific language style (the same is valid for the whole paper as well), avoid overcomplicated syntax, abbreviations or footnotes.
3. Unnecessary words or generalities like: «Problems…», «Some issues…», «Materials for study…», etc. should be avoided.

Abstract being a structured author’s summary should contain brief description of the paper’s content, purpose and novelty. Recommended length is 100–250 words. The author’s summary can be published per se, independently from the main text, and shall be self-explicable. It should have the following structure with clearly marked subtitles:
1. Object and goal of research study.
2. Materials and methods.
3. Main results.
4. Conclusion: findings, theoretical value of research study, practical significance of results.

Key words reflect the main contents of the paper and serve as reference for the reader as well as for indexing publications for easy access. The key words are placed after the abstract and should be limited to 4–8 words or word combinations.
Main Text with headings, tables, illustrations and captions should be typed in standard Windows True Type fonts, size 12 pt, 1.5 line spacing. The left margin should not be less than 30 mm, other margins at least 20 mm. All pages should be numbered. Formulae are accepted in Math Type or Microsoft Equation. Illustrations should be submitted in separate graphical files, bit map figures are accepted in *tiff or *jpg formats with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi, vector based figures are accepted in *eps format, sized not less than 5×6 сm. If non-standard fonts are used, it is required to attach the font file.

The list of references should indicate the following details::
  • reference to journal article — author(s) surname and initials, title, full title of the journal, year and number of issue, first & last pages of the article;
  • reference to book — author(s) surname and initials, book title, place of publication, publisher, (for foreign source it is sufficient to indicate the city), year of publication, total number of pages in the book;
  • web references — website and title of publication, URL or DOI, date of access.

  • The reference list should not include unreliable or inaccessible sources (with missing bibliographic data), or public resources with no reputable confirmation (e.g., Wikipedia).
    Author(s) and co-author(s) details: surname, first name, second name, scientific degree, scientific title, position, company, office telephone, e-mail address.

    This form must be printed out, filled, signed by each Co-Author and uploaded to our web site as a scanned copy.
    Also, the Author and the Publisher will conclude the Public Offer Contract (download) vesting the Publisher with the right to use the Article. Uploading your article to our site, you automatically consent with the terms and conditions of this Contract.

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All rights reserved © Krylov state research centre, 2017 — 2022

ISSN (print) 2542-2324 / ISSN (online) 2618-8244

Address: Moskovskoye shosse, 44, Saint-Petersburg, 196158

Phone: +7(812) 415-49-80